You are purchasing a POP Animation Tokyo Ghoul: re - Saiko Yonebayashi figure by Funko. From Funko. Tokyo Ghoul Pop!s are here! Will you help the ghouls keep their secrets? Each Pop! figure...
You are purchasing a POP Animation Tokyo Ghoul: re - Kuki Urie #1125 figure by Funko. From Funko. Tokyo Ghoul Pop!s are here! Will you help the ghouls keep their secrets? Each Pop! figure stands...
You are purchasing a POP Animation Tokyo Ghoul: re - Haise Sasaki #1124 figure by Funko. From Funko. Tokyo Ghoul Pop!s are here! Will you help the ghouls keep their secrets? Each Pop!...
You are purchasing a POP Funko Animation Tokyo Ghoul: re - Tooru Mutsuki #1127 figure by Funko. From Funko. Tokyo Ghoul Pop!s are here! Will you help the ghouls keep their secrets? Each Pop!...