You are purchasing a DC Comics Batman: Last Knight on Earth Batman ARTFX by Kotobukiya, From Kotobukiya. From the dream team of Snyder and Capullo, presented by DC Black...
You are purchasing a Koto Green Arrow ArtFX by Kotobukiya. Kotobukiya's ARTFX+ lineup based on popular characters from comic books and movies based on DC Comics continues to expand, this time to...
You are purchasing a Kotobukiya Infinity War Movie Gamora Artfx+ figure. From Kotobukiya. Gamora from Avengers: Infinity War joins Kotobukiya's ARTFX+ line! Sculpted in...
You are purchasing a Kotobukiya Star Wars: Visions: The Ronin ARTFX statue. From Kotobukiya. Star Wars: Visions, an anthology of animated short films celebrates Star Wars through...