You are purchasing a POP Animation: Naruto - Naruto #71 figure by Funko. Put Naruto and his rival Sasuke through their martial arts paces with these 3 3/4" tall stylized...
You are purchasing a Naruto: Shippuden Pain vs. Naruto Funko Pop! Moment #1433. Harness the power of the Nine Tails with Naruto as he battles one of the strongest members of the Akatsuki,...
You are purchasing a POP! Animation: Naruto - Killer B Entertainment Earth #1200 exclusive figure by Funko. Vinyl figure is approximately 4.5-inches tall.
You are purchasing a POP Animation: Naruto - Kurama #743 6 Inch figure by Funko. Even at his most fearsome, the fabled nine-tailed beast from the popular anime Naruto Shippuden is adorable...