Gideon Falls --- Let's embrace the darkness
I don’t think I’ve ever been as frustrated by having not read something as I have been thisweek. I started working at the shop about two years ago now and my first order of business wasto catch up on all the indie titles I haven’t read yet. Soon after Mike had said that Gideon Fallswas pretty good and that I should pick it up when I had the time because it was only in its firstcouple issues. It has been almost exactly two years and I have finally read Gideon Falls, and I amfurious I did not read
17th May 2020
Nowhere Men - A Science Fiction About Scientists!
Nowhere Men - Actual Scientists or Their Effects?Nowhere Men is one of those books that has been on my list for a long time. I found this bookwhen Comixology first started and had a section for new Image books. I’ve always been a fan ofscience fiction that focuses on the actual scientists instead of the effects of the product theymake. Nowhere Men is quite literally exactly what I wanted, with the book focusing almostentirely on the scientists and how they as people influence the world around th
9th May 2020
Vampironica- a sinister take on a comic classic
Is that you Archie?I think that every fan of comic books has a relationship of some kind to Archie. I rememberwaiting for my mom at the grocery store as a kid and reading “Archie Digest”. Archie for mewas always a relaxing dive into a familiar place, the world was never ending, everyone hadrelatable problems, but everything stayed the same. Vampironica is not the Archie Comics youor I knew as a kid, and it is all the better for it.Vampironica is Written by Greg and Meg Smallwood, with art by Gre
7th May 2020
May The Fourth Be With You - Doctor Aphra
May the Fourth Be With You!
Star Wars is something that everyone has a relationship with. Like literally millions of people, I
grew up watching Star Wars with my dad and falling in love with the franchise. I’ve recently
grown tired of the ‘Skywalker Saga’, and The Mandalorian was a great way to escape that
corner of the story, but that show won’t be back for at least a few months. Audiences loved The
Mandalorian because it was a grittier lens to view the cooler aspects of the Star W
4th May 2020
Nextwave- the pimp slap of slapstick
slapstick /ˈslapˌstik/ noun. comedy based on deliberately clumsy actions and humorously embarrassing events.
Warren Ellis has always been one of my favorite writers. I’ve loved his work on The Authority,
Ruins, and Transmetropolitan. I believe that Ellis and I think in a similar way not because of our
creative process, but because of how many things he writes that I enjoy. I feel like when he
writes we’re on the same frequency, and I’m on board for whatever he does. Or
3rd May 2020